International Welding Specialist (IWS) is an essential qualification to support Manufacturers of Welded Products.

Since 2000, over 50.000 IWS have been qualified in the world.
IWS diploma guarantees specialized and factual knowledge in the field of welding technology with the capability to develop solutions to the most common situation and the ability to manage and supervise common or standard welding applications and related professional activities.

IWSs undergo a training and examination procedure that ensures they acquire proper knowledge in welding processes, materials, design, and quality control, including an understanding of the most common welding manufacturing applications.

Access to the qualification is allowed to those satisfying specific access requirements that are over the one of a professional worker.  The standard route for the qualification requires participants to attend a training course of over 200 teaching hours (classroom and laboratory) and pass four qualification exams. Training may also be offered partially in distance learning.

Training and examinations are offered in about 30 languages and several countries. Candidates must enrol in the courses at an Authorized Training body of IIW.

For further information, please contact

Guideline for International Welding Engineers