IIW 2024 Digital Collection Welded Art Photographic Exhibition-Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations (UN), has 193 countries as members and with the challenges of improving the quality of life in countries, in 2015, world leaders agreed for the UN to implement 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aimed at low and middle-income countries. The full Sustainable Development Report 2022 giving the Global SDG Index and country reports is available at www.sdgindex.org

The International Institute of Welding (IIW) has linked its National Welding Capability (NWC) Project and the SDGs so that strategies can be introduced by a country including implementing a Flagship Programme with a single global focus “To Assist the Country to Establish, Sustain and Improve Its National Welding Capability and Progress its UN Sustainable Development Goals”. Such a Programme may have many initiatives and projects associated with it but all are related to a single global focus.

The IIW 2024 Digital Collection involved the cooperation and collaboration of artists and  exhibits from several countries. Please enjoy and pass the IIW 2024 Digital Collection to your members, friends and colleagues.