The International Institute of Welding is a global organisation that offers a wide range of qualification and certification services for personnel and companies in the field of welding and allied processes.

Services cover the qualification and certification of International Welding Engineers (IWE), International Welding Technologist (IWT), International Welding Specialist (IWS), International Welding Practitioners (IWP) and International Welding Inspectors (IWI). Other IIW Qualifications cover the International Welder (IW) International Structural Welding Designer (IWSD) and International Mechanised, Orbital and Robotised welding personnel (IMORW).

Education, Training, Qualification and certification services are fully harmonised on a global scale, based on cooperation amongst IIW members and offered in the local language.

Access to qualification may be achieved through IIW training offered by IIW Approved Bodies (referred to as Standard Route) or through the recognition of alternative training (referred to as Alternative Route).

IIW qualifications and certifications are recognised worldwide and comply with the requirement of ISO 14731 and a wide range of product standards and codes used globally.

The services are developed and managed in strict cooperation with the European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting (EWF) and are based on the cooperation of training, qualification and certification bodies, as follows:

  • IIW develops, manages and administers the rules for the delivery of services through its International Authorisation Board (IAB). IAB is also responsible for the assessment of the system
  • IIW responsible Member Societies may nominate Authorised Nominated Bodies (ANBs) for the qualification and certification of personnel. Each ANB administers the IIW qualification and certification services as included in their scope of Authorisation, including examination, assessment and issuing of diplomas and certificates on behalf of IIW.
  • ANBs control and asses Approved Training Bodies (ATBs) to offer IIW training and qualification.

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